2023年9月22日伊恩·里夫斯, President of 建筑师及设计小组 speaks to the unique needs of Community Policing Facilities and how that impacts layout and design.
执法设施是警官使用的另一种工具. 这不是一栋办公楼.
International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) published an article about the psychology of a police facility. 旧的学校设施给人一种“堡垒”的印象。. That is not optimal if a positive community relationship with police is the goal. Police facilities are now designed to focus on making the facility work with and for the community and stakeholders, while still maintaining the security required of a law enforcement facility.
“考虑到时代, 当社区要求更开放的时候, 更多的透明度, 他们的警察部门也更加包容, can the profession afford to neglect the role of law enforcement buildings in how police are perceived? 毕竟, 当受害者冒险向警方报案时, 他们经常在警察局内这样做. When offenders are taken for their initial bookings, they are taken to a police station. When police officers report to work, they typically do so in a police station. 当记者采访部门官员时, when new recruits go to turn in their applications… a lot of law enforcement’s contact with the public and community stakeholders happens at a police station or similar public safety facility. 难道它没有价值吗?, 然后, to consider how to make that contact one where the individual walks away with a positive impression of law enforcement and not a negative one?”
空间心理学:通过开放增强合法性, 透明的, 以及为警察和市民提供的包容性设施
警察局的目标是双重的. To build a new police facility that meets the needs of the department and 21st Century policing and design the public face and public areas inside the building to be “community inclusive”.
The law enforcement expert currently on the design team with Lavallee Brensinger is architect 伊恩·里夫斯 from ADG. He wrote an article detailing the topic of “Facility Design for Community Engagement”. 在《富易堂app下载》的文章里, he 状态s “…Community engagement has become the central focus of policing…There are many ways to implement this philosophy, and facility design is one factor that can play a critical part in any law enforcement agency’s community engagement efforts….” 阅读全文.
The facility the Department is currently occupying what was a former hospital in 1962. 警察局已经占用了这个地方, renovated in 1991 to fit police operations into the lower levels of the hospital, 32年来. In a meeting recently, while discussing the space needs assessment, Mr. 里夫斯说警察设施是全天候办公的. 当一个警察部门使用一个设施一年, it equates to three years of wear and tear use of a regular building.
Generations of staff have made the quirkiness and less-than-optimal space function at 3 Junkins Avenue. 然而, 32年过去了,警务工作发生了重大变化, 设备, IT, 甚至是证据提交和处理, 举几个例子, 我们希望, 通过这个公开的过程, the City residents will agree there is a significant need for a new police facility.
2022年4月, the Portsmouth City Council voted unanimously to authorize funds for “the first part of an intensive public process to understand what is needed for a modern community police facility.” That process is scheduled to begin with an update of the 2014 programmatic space needs study followed by an evaluation of options for renovating the existing facility and new construction. The new construction option will include evaluating potential sites for a new facility with the intention of bringing forward recommendations.
今年早些时候, the City conducted a competitive process to select a consulting team to assist with these tasks. 今天,伦敦金融城很高兴地宣布,它已经选择了 Lavallee Brensinger建筑事务所 (LBA)和 建筑师及设计小组 (ADG)作为咨询团队. The scope of work consists of the two parts outlined above: update the 2014 programmatic space needs study and develop information necessary to determine whether to renovate or relocate the police facility to potential sites identified that meet specific law enforcement criteria. 概念设计将作为这个过程的一部分提供. The team will develop opportunities for community input at various stages of its work.
Lavallee Brensinger建筑事务所 was established in 1976 and is headquartered in Manchester with offices in Boston and Portland ME. Their Civic + Cultural | Municipal branch of the firm is responsible most recently for the new police headquarters in Dover NH, the Public Safety Facility in Wells ME and the police Department Headquarters for the 的城市 Manchester, 在其他项目中. The firm also handled the renovations to the north face of Portsmouth City Hall. 建筑师及设计小组 is a nationally recognized experts in the design of modern community police facilities.