城市 Announces Halloween Trick or Treat 小时, 娱乐 Department Family Fall/Halloween Events and Halloween Parade Restrictions
2023年10月20日The 的城市 朴茨茅斯 娱乐 Department has several family events and activities scheduled to celebrate fall and Halloween, culminating with the 城市’s Halloween trick-or-treat hours (5 to 8 pm on Monday, October 30, 2023). The 朴茨茅斯 警察 Department reminds everyone to watch out for trick-or-treaters and traffic on the roads.
新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯市 火 Department Receives Antique 1920s 火 Truck
2023年10月20日朴茨茅斯 火 Chief William McQuillen announced that the 朴茨茅斯 火 Department has received the gift of a 1920 American LaFrance Chemical 火 Truck from James Dunaway, owner of Bayberry Vintage Autos, 汉普顿有限责任公司, NH. Chief McQuillen commented, "We are excited to have this historic 1920 American LaFrance fire truck. We're looking forward to getting it out in the public. 像这样, that has been so well-maintained for over 100 years, 人们想看, and we are so happy to do that.”
城市收到965美元,333 Federal Congressionally Directed Spending Grant for Pierce Island Road Resiliency Project
2023年10月16日The 的城市 朴茨茅斯 was notified on September 29, 2023 that it has received $965,333 in Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) from the Federal Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program through the NH Department of 首页land Security and 应急管理 for the Peirce Island Road Resiliency Project. The 城市 applied for the grant for a project to provide consistent access to the Pierce Island Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF), a critical municipal service.
引领 & Copper Corrosion Control Program Update
2023年10月10日评估员’s Office Updating Residential and Commercial Property Photo Files
2023年10月5日立即开始, the 的城市 朴茨茅斯 评估员’s Office is working neighborhood by neighborhood to update the property images it has on file for preliminary revaluation 目的.
Staff from the 评估员's Office are taking street-view photographs of all residential and commercial properties that have not had a recent photo taken. Staff working on the project will carry a 城市 photo ID. 去 活动时间表.
城市 Offers 首页owners Information on Testing for 引领 in Paint and 水
2023年10月5日National 引领 Poisoning Prevention Week is October 22 through 29, 2023 and the 的城市 朴茨茅斯 健康 and 水 部门 are taking the opportunity to raise awareness of the issue by providing the following information on the 城市 website and at the Farmers’ Market on Saturday, 10月21日, 2023.
朴茨茅斯 城市职员 Announces 选民登记 Dates and Events
2023年10月4日朴茨茅斯, New Hampshire – 城市职员 Kelli Barnaby has scheduled several opportunities for residents to register to vote prior to the Municipal Election on Tuesday, 11月7日, 2023.
The filing period for the Municipal Election opened on August 28, 2023 and closes September 12, 2023, 下午5点.
选民登记 events for 朴茨茅斯 residents are scheduled for the following locations and times:
NH Division of Emergency Services & Communications To Begin Mapping 城市 Addresses on Oct 17
2023年10月4日The 朴茨茅斯 警察 Department announces that the Division of Emergency Services and Communications (DESC) will begin mapping the 的城市 朴茨茅斯 on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. The purpose is to confirm addresses for the Emergency 911 response system.
Film: 总统山, Thursday September 28
1998. R级. 时长93分钟.
A teenager at 总统山 Academy falls for a much older teacher and befriends a middle-aged industrialist. 晚些时候, he finds out that his love interest and his friend are having an affair, which prompts him to begin a vendetta.
PPL @ Family Fun Fest, Saturday October 28
2023年9月28日We're going to the Fall Family Fun Fest and hope to see you there! Meet us on the Athletic Fields at 社区学校 from 11 AM - 2 PM for a free fall celebration — Everyone is welcome!